The Tigers and Their Dens
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Baseball’s Best 1,000: Rankings of the Greatest Players of All Time
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Bigger Faster Stronger
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Baseball America Directory 2017
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The Athlete’s Dilemma: Sacrificing Health for Wealth and Fame
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The Mental Game of Baseball: A Guide to Peak Performance
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A Brief History of Surfing
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How College Athletics Are Hurting Girls’ Sports: The Pay-to-Play Pipeline
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Marathon Woman: Running the Race to Revolutionize Women’s Sports
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The Captain Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams
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Self-Determination in Global Sport Performance: Endure to the End
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Failed Olympic Bids and the Transformation of Urban Space: Lasting Legacies?
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Unbelievable: Living on the Edge and Breaking Barriers
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A History of Lehigh University’s Athletic Extra-Curriculum, 1866-1998
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Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise
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No Boston Olympics: How and Why Smart Cities Are Passing on the Torch
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Press Box Revolution: How Sports Reporting Has Changed over the Past Thirty Years
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Communication and Sport: Surveying the Field
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The United States Football League, 1982–1986
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Attitude: Develop a Winning Mindset On and Off the Court