Caravaggio in Detail
$2,275 -
French Painting Ca. 1500: New Discoveries, New Approaches
$5,625 -
$2,888 -
Mary of Mercy in Medieval and Renaissance Italian Art: Devotional Image and Civic Emblem
$6,750 -
Renaissance & Reformation: German Art in the Age of Dürer and Cranach
$1,748 -
The Epiphany of Hieronymus Bosch: Imagining Antichrist and Others from the Middle Ages to the Reformation
$6,435 -
Sacred and Secular in Venetian Art from Paolo Da Venezia to Titian
$13,500 -
Caravaggio and the Creation of Modernity
$788 -
$1,575 -
Workshop Practice in Early Netherlandish Painting: Case Studies from Van Eyck Through Gossart
$5,625 -
Les Enfants De Caïn: Les Représentations Du Criminel En France Et En Italie, De La Renaissance Au Début Du XXe Siècle
$6,120 -
The Art of Philosophy: Visual Thinking in Europe from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment
$2,925 -
Bosch and Bruegel: From Enemy Painting to Everyday Life
$2,275 -
Anna of Saxony: The Scarlet Lady of Orange
$875 -
Joseph De Levis & Company: Renaissance Bronze-founders in Verona
$2,925 -
Young Leonardo: The Evolution of a Revolutionary Artist 1472-1499
$945 -
Raffael Als Zeichner / Raphael As Draughtsman
$768 -
The Poetics of Ruins in Renaissance Literature
$4,275 -
Titian and the End of the Venetian Renaissance
$1,575 -
Hercules Segers: Painter, Etcher