Thompson welcomes teachers to the construction zone. Mindful of roadblocks extant in today’s mandated curricula, he exhorts teachers to utilize what they can: suggest, influence, empower.
Citing Piaget’s constructivism, Vygotsky’s social constructivism and zone of proximal development, Bruner’s metaphor of scaffolding, as well as Pearson and Gallagher’s gradual release of
responsibility--modeling, guided practice, independence--he suggests looking at instruction differently: teach consciously with intentionality and reflection, fully aware of what you are doing
and why. Nine chapters are divided into four parts: focus; flexibility; feedback; responsibility. Chapters are: scaffolding; getting focused; staying focused; flexible design; flexible
delivery; the feedback loop; teaching for responsibility; monitoring for responsibility. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (