Complex Predicates in Q’anjob’al: Resultatives, End-states Positionals, Causatives, Monitorings, Ditransitives
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Burmese: An Essential Grammar
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Mapping Media Ecology: Introduction to the Field
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Lexical Collocations in Bilingual Lexicography
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Colloquial Zulu
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Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries
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Teaching and Researching Speaking
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Understanding Second Language Acquisition
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Information Literacy: Research and Collaboration Across Disciplines
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Technical Communication: A Reader-centered Approach
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Syntactic Analysis: An HPSG-Based Approach
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Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Pedagogies: Language, Culture, and Power
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Colloquial Filipino
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Understanding Second Language Acquisition
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Teaching in Two Languages: Plural Identities and Classroom Practice
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Colloquial Filipino
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Burmese: An Essential Grammar
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Monolingualism – Bilingualism – Multilingualism: The Teacher’s Perspective
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The Cambridge Handbook of Historical Syntax
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From Critical Thinking to Argument: A Portable Guide