Dance training is not for the faint of heart. And not everyone who takes dance lessons becomes a great dancer.Therefore, if you are a serious dancer, you need an edge – an edge that comes in
the form of this unique Study Guide and Notebook which will help you achieve your goals.Focusing on Waltz, Tango, Viennese Waltz, Foxtrot, and Quickstep, this notebook provides you with a truly
impressive array of study tools, all designed for International Standard ballroom dancing:- Dance Goals Templates. Enjoy achieving your goals using a scientifically proven method of
establishing milestones.- Dance Step Syllabus Reference. Easily reference the International Standard dance step syllabus and add your own personal variations.- Organized Lesson Notes. Record
your notes for later reference in 26 useful lesson templates.- Capture Your Drills. Record technical drills critical to your dance success – Upper/Lower Body Drills, Arm Styling, Footwork,
Turns and Spins, Balance Drills, and more! - Dance Patterns and Choreography. Record your dance patterns and choreographies in one place! An entire chapter is devoted to this topic, with both
Dance Pattern and Choreography templates that will unleash the artist inside of you!- International Standard Dance Music. Finally, a place to note your favorite artists and songs in one place –
categorized by dance!- Fashion Ideas. Let loose your inner designer and create a fashion masterpiece! - Ballroom Dance Resources. Whether at home, or on the go, jot down your favorite resources
for future reference. The Ballroom Dancer’s Companion is a highly effective training and retention tool in the world of dance. Use this tonight, enjoy progress tomorrow, and become the dancer
you’ve always dreamed!