This third installment in a series devoted to the work of acclaimed choreographer Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker focuses on two of her notable works,Drumming and Rain. Both works,
which were among De Keersmaeker’s most successful premieres, are known for their energetic, virtuosic dancing and formal richness. They also feature minimalist scores by composer Steve Reich,
costumes by famed designer Dries Van Noten, and striking scenic design. In this publication, fascinating interviews with De Keersmaeker by Bojana Cvejic reveal the choreographic principles
behind the pieces and give insight into De Keersmaeker’s process. These conversations are illustrated with numerous primary source materials, including drawings, photographs, and documents
related to productions ofDrumming and Rain. A series of three DVDs contain extensive interviews and voice-over commentaries by De Keersmaeker and Cvejic, illustrated by
demonstrations and excerpts of the performances. With its unique multimedia presentation of these two canonical dance pieces, this volume is an essential resource on one of today’s most
prominent choreographers.