Interview Questions
- 作者:Morgan,Samuel
- 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
- 出版日期:2015-06-20
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:1514624931
- ISBN13:9781514624937
- 裝訂:平裝 / 15.9 x 23.5 x 0.6 cm / 普通級
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By reading this book you’ll discover how to prepare for a Job Interview and Land the Job of Your Dreams!! You’ll learn the importance of taking the interview preparation seriously. It will
give you an edge to others who are competing for the same job.
This book contains a few basic common interview questions that you definitely need to nail if they’re asked. Study them and they’ll give you some great ideas what your answers should be
Also we have included 30 great answers to common behavioral questions. Learn theses and you’ll be prepared for any type of questions. By studying these you’ll also sharpen your mind and gain
the confidence you will need to successfully complete the interview.
Going through a job search can be very difficult and stressful. There are a lots of competition out there and preparation is your best tool to eliminate or reduce some of those aspects of job
hunting. This book is a great starting point.
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