This book examines a wide range of issues that characterize the current IT based innovation trends in organizations. It contains a collection of research papers focusing on themes of growing
interest in the field of Information Systems, Organization Studies, Management, Accounting and Engineering. The book offers a multidisciplinary view on Information Systems with the aim of
disseminating academic knowledge. It would be particularly relevant to IT practitioners such as information systems managers and IT consultants.The 12 sections cover a broad spectrum of topics
including: eServices in Public and Private Sectors; Organizational Change and the Impact of ICT in Public and Private Sectors; Information and Knowledge Management; Human-Computer
Interaction;Information Systems, Innovation Transfer, and New Business Models; Business Intelligence Systems, their Strategic Role and Organizational Impacts; New Ways to Work and Interact with
the Internet; IS, IT and Security; Blending Design and Behavioral Research in Information Systems; Professional Skills, Certification of Curricula, Online Education and Communities; IS Design,
IS Development, Metrics and Compliance; ICT4LAW: Information and communication technologies to help firms, public administrations, legislators and citizens to operate in a highly regulated
world.The content of each section is based on a selection of original double-blind peer reviewed contributions.