Colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage is about tsukuru tazaki, whose school life revolves around his four best friends: two boys called akamatsu and oumi and two girls called
shirane and kurono. Co-incidentally, the meanings of all of their names were related to some colour or the other. The meanings of akamatsu and oumi were 'red pine' and 'blue sea' and the
meanings of shirane and kurono were 'white root' and 'black field' respectively. Only tsukuru's name had no relation to colour. One fine day, all of a sudden, his friends made their decision
clear to him that they don't want him in their group anymore. Tsukuru was totally taken aback and could not understand why they were doing this to him. Since then, he could never form a close
bond with anyone who came into his life. Years later, his girlfriend, sara, suggested him to go and meet his friends and ask them the reason for abandoning him. Tsukuru then decided to dig out
the truth. Find out if tsukuru is able to find out the true reason and mend his relation with his once best friends. Colorless tsukuru tazaki and his years of pilgrimage is a book with elements
of intrigue, mystery and magic-realism. The book is published by random house in 2014 and comes with hardcover binding. Key features: it has the elements of alienation, humour and
magical-realism that are unique to a murakami novel.