The multimedia reference for the latest Financial ReportingStandards, with practical application advice from an expert authorteam
Wiley IFRS 2015 is the one-stop resource forunderstanding the most current International Financial ReportingStandards, now in use in over 100 countries. This indispensible setcontains
the acumen and insight of experts from around the world,plus a CD-ROM that keeps useful information just a click away.Readers will find detailed guidance toward IFRS interpretation
andimplementation, including advice for those implementing thestandards for the first time, organised by topic for easynavigation. The CD-ROM includes a point-and-click index for
quickreference, and is bookmark-enabled to allow fast access tofrequently used pages.
The International Accounting Standards Board continues to makesignificant strides in achieving global convergence of accountingstandards, with more and more countries either adopting IFRS
oradapting local standards to align with those produced by the IASB.Wiley IFRS 2015 is a comprehensive multimedia reference set,providing all the information and tools needed to
produceIFRS-compliant reports.
- Get up-to-date on the latest International Financial ReportingStandards
- Gain expert insight into interpretation and implementation
- Apply IFRS rules in complex, real-world situations
- Access expert advice instantly with the fully-indexedCD-ROM
Uniform reporting reduces the cost of preparing financialstatements for multinational companies, and facilitates the jobs ofthose tasked with the assessment of business results. As IFRS
rulesupdate annually, it’s vital for financial professionals to staycurrent on the latest changes, which may affect current procedureor induce changes going forward.Wiley IFRS 2015
providescomplete guidance on the latest information, with clear instructionand expert advice.