現代版的鋼鐵人Elon Musk 看未來趨勢
身為現代矽谷最具前瞻性企業家,Elon Musk為何能在全球競爭中脫穎而出?無論是從電動車公司轉型成能源公司的特斯拉,或是Space X這個太空探索科技公司,作者從許多第一手訪談中,向我們展現Elon Musk 一路走來的成功與動盪旅程,最重要的是,以Elon Musk的成功經歷,來說明美國這個國家所提供的商業環境及文化,是如何讓許多發明家有機會結合企業家身份,前仆後繼地展現自己的夢想與能量,理想實現的同時最終也獲得成就。
In Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future, veteran technology journalist Ashlee Vance provides the first inside look into the extraordinary life and times of Silicon Valley's most audacious entrepreneur. Written with exclusive access to Musk, his family and friends, the book traces the entrepreneur's journey from a rough upbringing in South Africa to the pinnacle of the global business world. Vance spent more than 30 hours in conversation with Musk and interviewed close to 300 people to tell the tumultuous stories of Musk's world-changing companies: PayPal, Tesla Motors, SpaceX and SolarCity, and to characterize a man who has renewed American industry and sparked new levels of innovation while making plenty of enemies along the way.
Vance uses Musk's story to explore one of the pressing questions of our time: can the nation of inventors and creators which led the modern world for a century still compete in an age of fierce global competition? He argues that Musk--one of the most unusual and striking figures in American business history--is a contemporary amalgam of legendary inventors and industrialists like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Howard Hughes, and Steve Jobs. More than any other entrepreneur today, Musk has dedicated his energies and his own vast fortune to inventing a future that is as rich and far-reaching as the visionaries of the golden age of science-fiction fantasy.