’THE BUSINESS OF SHOW: A Guide to the Entertainment Business for the Performing Artist’ contains vital information for the career-driven performer venturing down the professional path. More
than 90 successful actors, singers, dancers, directors, choreographers, artistic directors, producers, agents, and casting directors contribute current insightful facts about working in today’s
entertainment industry. A wealth of topics—marketing, networking, type, strategy, auditions, education, where the work is, rejection, contract negotiations, rehearsal protocol, understudies,
unions, agents, managers, tax deductions, professional conduct, survival jobs, career longevity, career transition, and much more—are made accessible through humor, real stories, and
to-the-point advice. With a fresh and honest focus, THE BUSINESS OF SHOW will prepare you to pursue your dreams of working in “the biz” with passion and, more than ever, a comprehensive
understanding of the business side.