A sequel to Tomita’s A Bibliographical Catalogue of Italian Books Printed in England 1558-1603, this volume provides the data for the succeeding 40 years (during the reign of King James I and
Charles I) and contributes to the study of Anglo-Italian relations in literature through entries on 187 Italian books (335 editions) printed in England. The Catalogue starts with the books
published immediately after the death of Queen Elizabeth I on 24 March 1603, and ends in 1642 with the closing of English theatres. It also contains 45 Elizabethan books (75 editions), which
did not feature in the previous volume. Formatted along the lines of Mary Augusta Scott’s Elizabethan Translations from the Italian (1916), and adopting Philip Gaskell’s scientific method of
bibliographical description, this volume provides reliable and comprehensive information about books and their publication, viewed in a general perspective of Anglo-Italian transactions in
Jacobean and part of Caroline England.