喬賽 ‧ 薩拉馬戈 Jose Saramago
1922 年生於葡萄牙,曾經操持多種不同行業已維生計,包括技工、技術設計人員與文學編輯,但是他從 1979 年起,即全力投入創作。他的作品包含了戲劇、詩作、短篇故事、非小說與虛構小說,他的小說已經被翻譯為二十餘種語言。1988 年出版的《巴達薩與布莉穆妲》(Baltasar and Blimunda)首度將他帶進英語出版世界的焦點,《費城詢問報》(Philodelphia
Inquirer)讚美該部小說「一部虛構而極富原創性的歷史小說,足以比美賈西亞 ‧ 馬奎斯顛峰時期作品」。薩拉馬戈並以《詩人雷伊斯逝世的那一年》(The year of the Death of Ricardo Reis)一書獲英國《獨立報》(Independent)「國外小說創作獎」;本書譯者喬凡尼 ‧ 龐提耶若(Giovanni
Pontiero)亦因翻譯翻譯《耶穌基督的福音》(The Gospel According to Jesus Christ)一書獲頒 Teixeira-Gomes 葡萄牙語翻譯獎。喬賽 ‧ 薩拉馬戈在 1992 年獲選為當年的葡萄牙文作家,並於 1998 年獲得諾貝爾文學獎,為當今全球最知名的葡萄牙作家,現居加納利群島。
José Saramago is one of the most important international writers of the last hundred years. Born in Portugal in 1922 in the small rural village of Azinhaga, he was in his fifties when he came
to prominence as a writer with the publication of Baltasar and Blimunda. A huge body of work followed, which included plays, poetry, short stories, non-fiction and over a dozen novels,
translated into more than forty languages, and in 1998 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He died in June 2010.