This reference book consists of three lists of entries selected to reflect a broad-based intercultural and interdisciplinary slice of theater and performance, primarily Western. Though the
earliest entry is Ubu Roi, from 1896, most of the topics date from the late 20th century. The lists are titled People and companies, Events, and Concepts and Practices. The further criteria for
inclusion in a list is importance, by which the authors mean those people and companies who have made a defining contribution to theater and performance; events that were important in
themselves or exemplify how particular kinds of activities have shaped theater and performance; and practices and ideas that are central to these fields. The book gives significant attention to
performance studies, as distinct from theater studies, and the authors point out that this is due to performance having been on the steady rise in Britain since the 1970s. The lists are
cross-referenced to one another, so that when a topic appears in the text of another entry the term is in bold. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (