Sport Coaching Concepts: A Framework for Coaching Practice
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Success Is the Only Option: The Art of Coaching Extreme Talent
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Coaching: A Realistic Perspective
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Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education: Pedagogical Cases
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Performance Analysis in Team Sports
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Furious George: My Forty Years Surviving Nba Divas, Clueless Gms, and Poor Shot Selection
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Soccer: The 6-Week Plan: The Guide to Building a Successful Team
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Creating World Champions: How German Soccer Went From Shambles to Champions
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Coaching a Season of Significance: A Soccer Coaches’ Companion to All Challenges of a Year
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Stillpower: Excellence With Ease in Sports and Life
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Basketball: Great Writing About America’s Game
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The Cubs Way: The Zen of Building the Best Team in Baseball and Breaking the Curse: Includes PDF
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Success Is the Only Option: The Art of Coaching Extreme Talent
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Fightin’ Words: Kentucky Vs. Louisville
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Furious George: My Forty Years Surviving NBA Divas, Clueless GMs, and Poor Shot Selection
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Advanced Rowing: International Perspectives on High Performance Rowing
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Positive Pedagogy for Sport Coaching: Athlete-centred Coaching for Individual Sports
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Success Is the Only Option: The Art of Coaching Extreme Talent
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Belichick and Brady: Two Men, the Patriots, and How They Revolutionized Football: Includes PDF
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Off Speed: Baseball, Pitching, and the Art of Deception