From drawing the initial sketches of a design to etching your initials into the handle, Steigerwald and Fronteddu expertly demonstrate how to build a fixed-blade, full tang knife with detailed,
step-by-step instructions and illustrations. These widely used knives are robust implements and are relatively easy to create, making this form an ideal choice for the beginning knife maker. No
previous knifemaking knowledge is necessary, and the list of required tools is short: files, sandpaper, a drill, and elbow grease. All knives shown are variants of the same basic construction,
but you will find many different styles of bolsters and handles, as well as advice on selecting the right steel according to the demands of a particular blade’s components. Having a small,
handy knife at your side, designed and made by your own hands, will surely bring you more satisfaction than a store-bought, mass-produced pocket knife.