An update to the authoritative resource on litigation services and the role of financial experts
Gaining a dedicated following through four previous editions, Litigation Services Handbook has served as a comprehensive, reliable reference, not only for financial experts engaged in
litigation services, but also for lawyers and those who benefit from these groups’ legal efforts. This cumulative supplement updates the Litigation Services Handbook, Fifth Edition. This
update reflects changes in legislation, case law, regulations, and the economic landscape that financial experts need.
Highlighting the most essential topics to help professionals gain or enhance their litigation skills, this reference includes new coverage of research surveys and health care fraud, and
special attention is also given to Sarbanes-Oxley implementation procedures. The 2014 Cumulative Supplement covers:
- Convolving assumptions in measuring damages
- Fair lending, bank failures, and litigation issues stemming from the financial crisis
- Determining going concern viability under accounting pronouncements
- Establishing a credible financial illiteracy defense against known-or-reckless charges
An indispensable resource, Litigation Services Handbook, 2014 Cumulative Supplement offers financial professionals involved in litigation a thorough and updated discussion of the most
relevant issues and emerging opportunities.