Chocopologie: Confections & Baked Treats from the Acclaimed Chocolatier

Chocopologie: Confections & Baked Treats from the Acclaimed Chocolatier
NT $ 875


  頂級巧克力店 Chocopologie創辦人暨巧克力大賽冠軍的迷人巧克力食譜

  滑順、多層次口感與風味獨具的巧克力總能輕巧地觸發人們從舌間、大腦到心靈的浪漫感受。頂級巧克力店「Chocopologie」創辦人,同時榮登巧克力大賽冠軍寶座的Fritz Knipschildt在本書透過各種經典與創新的食譜設計,將豪華甜點、松露巧克力、方便小點等巧克力迷人的萬種風情提升至更高等級。

  巧克力當早餐?有何不可!將巧克力撒在格蘭諾拉穀片上,便是一道健康又營養的活力餐點。雞尾酒時間也有巧克力?當然,馬上來一杯雙份邪惡巧克力馬丁尼或是熱流可可亞吧!另外還有巧克力棒、巧克力餅乾等各式甜點,Knipschildt不藏私地全部在書中公開製作流程,並貼心提示注意事項與補充相關知識,讓巧克力愛好者親身體驗製作樂趣,愉快地感受巧克力的無限可能。(文/ 博客來編譯)

  A celebration of chocolate desserts from award-winning chocolatier Fritz Knipschildt

  Rich, smooth, and intensely flavorful, chocolate inspires a passion like no other. In Chocopologie, master chocolatier Fritz Knipschildt takes chocolate to luscious new heights, incorporating it into recipes both classic and new, for ultra-indulgent desserts, heavenly truffles, easy anytime snacks, and so much more. Chocolate for breakfast? Why not! Sprinkled into granola, it’s practically health food. Cocktail hour? Make it doubly wicked with chocolate martinis or spiked hot cocoa. Knipschildt’s artisanal chocolates, sold at gourmet stores across the country, are famous for their playful and innovative flavor combinations, and that playfulness shines in this charming book. In addition to winning recipes for treats, including cookies and bars, cakes, candies, and other sweets, Knipschildt shares fascinating and helpful tips, advice, and information about chocolate, drawn from his personal experience and formal pastry training.
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