This book is part of a series of books with a simple twofold objective:The first aim is to expose young people to the fact that there are many careers out there. Some that you may not have
considered, others you may have thought about but have rejected for various reasons. We are here to tell you that once you approach your career choice in a professional, logical and business
manner there is no reason why you should not pursue your dream.The second aim is: Get educated!!!! If you are in school; stay in school. The longer you can stay in school and get a formal
education the easier it will be to market yourself. Make no mistake the level of your education: primary, secondary, college or university will decide the level of the job that you end up with.
Finally, this book like all the others I have written is in plain, ole, simple English so that we can all understand.So I present you the reader with the age old question…. What do you want to
be when you grow up?