Available Grace: True Short Stories of the Rewards of Intentional Living is a wonderful collection showcasing moments when the author, her family, and friends experienced the grace of God in
their lives. Available Grace begins in 1964, when author Marianne Cassell first encountered Jesus and was converted. In 1999, she attended a Bible study where the teacher asked everyone to
share a story of God's grace in our lives. "The rest of the class said something like, 'I can't think of a time of grace in my life.' I thought my grandchildren might say the same thing. They
were teenagers, so I decided the best way to communicate with them was by e-mail. I wrote and sent them one story each week. As friends heard what I was doing, they asked to receive the stories
as well. Eventually, I had so many stories, they would fill a book!" "Oh brother! Did this ever hit home with me." - Carolyn D., Brownwood, Texas "I just read this aloud to my husband and he is
wiping his eyes, it touched me deeply as well." - Marcia K., Garland, Texas "Your honesty is always so refreshing!" - Anita S., Lubbock, Texas "Amen! I've laughed all the way through this one."
- Jo S., Dallas