Desperate Murders:Bloodlust Serial Killer(POD)

Desperate Murders:Bloodlust Serial Killer(POD)
NT $ 370
  • 作者:Ibeh Moses
  • 出版社:秀威資訊
  • 出版日期:2011-12-16
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:161204946X
  • ISBN13:9781612049465
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 140頁 / 10 x 6 x 0.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  In an effort to apprehend the murderer of a teenage girl, Kimley Clerk, Sean Wilson becomes embroiled in the tangled web surrounding the crime. As more murders occur, new evidence is revealed in the case of Sean's own wife's death. To protect his daughter, Claire, and others important in his life, Sean sets out on a harrowing quest to uncover the truth.

  Will he be in time? With a brutal, cold-blooded serial killer on the loose, who will his next victims be? The answers to this, and other urgent questions, are unraveled in the thrilling and mesmerizing Desperate Murders: Bloodlust Serial Killer



  Moses I. Stephen is a writer who was raised in Lagos, Nigeria.
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