Does Anyone Else Want to Be a Highly Successful Personal Trainer-And Truly Live Your Dream? Most folk who embark on a career as a trainer, do so initially out of a personal passion for fitness
and a strong desire to help other achieve results. Be it weight loss, conditioning, strength gains, flexibility or enhanced performance. But a passion for working out and an earnest desire to
help others-alone-does not a successful personal trainer make. The sad fact is that the turn over rate for personal trainers after one year is over 80%. Why? It’s almost always because the
trainer didn’t have a proper understanding of the BUSINESS of being a fitness professional. The bottom line is that without the appropriate success blueprint, the most skilled and knowledgeable
personal trainer is usually doomed to failure. Unfortunately, until now, there has been no such battle-tested blueprint available either to the novice trainer or the professional struggling to
stay alive. Now, however that’s all changed, thanks to Danny Kavadlo’s Everybody Needs Training. Follow the hard-earned wisdom within these pages and failure will no longer be an option. Danny
Kavadlo’s training helped me to discover strengths I never knew I had, and I can take those lessons with me wherever I go, for the rest of my life. The wisdom and insight contained in Everybody
Needs Training not only relates to being a successful fitness trainer, but can be applied for peace and success in many of life’s ventures. Danny is the best!-ELIZABETH GILBERT, #1 New York
Times Best Selling Author, Eat, Pray, Love. One of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World Everybody Needs Training is quite ’something.’ I don’t think I have ever seen this
kind of depth in the field. It’s both obvious and ’wow’ as you read it. Amazing stuff. It fills a gap in the community that, frankly, surprises me no one has really filled.-DAN JOHN, author,
Never Let Go Christmas wishes DO come true.Danny Kavadlo has written a training book! Imagine if you could squeeze all the hard-earned wisdom, secrets and tactics of one of the world’s hottest
personal trainers between the covers of a beautifully illustrated tell-all manual, and you have imagined Everybody Needs Training. Like Danny himself, this groundbreaking book is incredibly
smart, brutally honest, laugh-out-loud funny, and totally out of left fieldif you train others (casually or professionally), want a career training others, or if you just love the now-famous
Kavadlo approach to getting in shape, you owe it to yourself to grab a copy of this masterpiece. I cannot recommend it highly enough.-PAUL WADE, author of Convict Conditioning Danny Kavadlo
strikes the right tone: if you are built for it, personal training is one hell-of-a-satisfying career: do it right and you are literally transforming people’s bodies and lives. So if you think
you’re built for it and considering jumping into the shark tank of personal training, Everybody Needs Training will be invaluable. And the tattooed Gonzo vibe is priceless.-MARTY GALLAGHER,
author of The Purposeful Primitive, 3-time World Masters Powerlifting Champion Danny Kavadlo has personally helped me become a more successful trainer and coach. I cannot recommend Everybody
Needs Training enough. It’s the best book I’ve ever seen on the subject of being a professional trainer.-ADEL GABER, World Class Trainer & 3-Time Olympic Wrestling Coach Everybody Needs
Training is a must-read for every personal trainer wanting to take it to the next level, and everyone who has ever dreamed of becoming a personal trainer. This book allows you to get inside the
genius PT mind of Danny Kavadlo, a master of his craft, speaking off the cuff to you about training-priceless!-ERRICK MCADAMS, Personal Trainer, Model, Fitness Personality A solid collection of
tried-and-true best practices that can help personal trainers on any level reach their full potential in their chosen field. -ROLANDO GARCIA, RKC II, CK-FMS