"Subject Areas/Keywords: assessments, CCSS, Common Core State Standards, decoding, differentiated instruction, evaluations, fluency, kindergarten, lessons, letter learning, literacy, planning,
primary grades, problem-solving, progress monitoring, readinginstruction, reading interventions, response to intervention, RTI, skills, teaching, Tier 2 DESCRIPTION Accessible and teacher
friendly, this book provides a blueprint for planning, delivering, and evaluating small-group interventions for struggling readers in PreK-2. It describes how to set up an efficient RTI system
that enhances any reading program already in place in a classroom, and that is fully compatible with the CCSS. Presented are dozens of easy-to-implement Tier 2 intervention activities in the
areas of letter learning, decoding, and fluency, complete with reproducible goal setting sheets and fidelity checklists. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print
the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size"--