Epstein (Rice U.) and Lee (Pace U.) nine papers in this 22nd volume of the applied research series Advances in Management Accounting. Topics addressed by the papers include: the impact of firm
size on the productivity of resources; transfer of performance measurement system innovations across economic sectors; the effect of personality traits and fairness on honesty in managerial
reporting; the adoption of lean operations and lean accounting on the profitability and cash flows of publicly traded companies; governance and management accounting in the case of board
governance in Ontario’s hospital sector; target costing in the presence of product and production interdependencies; a post-structuralist understanding of cost accounting and simulation;
input-based performance evaluation, incentive intensity, and proactive work behavior; and an experimental examination of the combined effects of normative and instrumental commitments on
budgetary slack creation. Distributed in North America by Turpin Distribution. Annotation ©2013 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)