'This book is an important contribution to the treatment of people with a high risk for developing psychosis. The authors succeeded in integrating recent research findings on cognitive biases
and the psychology of salience into a cognitive behavioural therapy framework. The authors are excellent researchers and therapists and this effective therapy is described stepwise, making this
handbook transparent and easy to read.' - Aaron T. Beck, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania CBT for those at risk of a First Episode Psychosis offers a detailed new
psychotherapy that has been shown to reduce the chance of transition to a first psychotic episode and to improve the chance for recovery. This encompasses: - Psycho-education about prepsychotic
symptoms - A review of literature about psychological processes that are known to play a role in the development of psychosis - A comprehensive manual - illustrated by numerous clinical
vignettes - that can be used to treat help-seeking subjects with an increased risk of developing psychosis. - Links to online resources to be used in the therapy, exercises, psycho-education -
A description of the multicentre randomized clinical trial investigating this new psychotherapy. The vast collective experienceand expertise of the authors of this handbook results in an
invaluable text for clinicians working in mental health care, as well as students, lectures and researchers who have an interest in the prevention of schizophrenia and other severe mental