A Manager’s Guide to Building a Successful Business introduces programs developed over a 40 year career to help manage all aspects of a business and to develop and execute marketing strategies
designed to help the business grow. Managers and executives will utilize this book as a guide to grow an established business or start a new one. The book can be used as a reference book for
unique management challenges as well. The book differs from other business books in that it places special emphasis on establishing the link between good management practice and successful
marketing. The book introduces certain management techniques and processes and shows how they are critical to executing successful marketing strategies. Each chapter covers a founding principle
of management in Part I and a founding principle of marketing in Part II The examples used in the Manager’s Guide are from large and small organizations in which the Author was personally
involved. The techniques introduced in the Guide are based on those studied at most universities. These techniques are used in solutions applied to challenges facing these organizations. More
specifically, this book uses techniques described in Clayton Christensen’s books on Disruptive Innovation as well as theories and techniques introduced by Frederic Herzberg, Abraham Maslow,
Roger Wimmer and Gerald Zaltman.