Welter (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden), Smallbone (Small Business Research Centre, Kingston U., England), and Van Gils (Maaastricht U. School of Business and Economics, the
Netherlands) present nine papers from a November 2010 conference on entrepreneurship and small business in Europe. Topics include the links between entrepreneurial mobility, resource
orchestration, and different facts of context; the effects of neighborhoods on firm success; the role of the entrepreneur in determining growth; the moderating effect of market intelligence,
cross-functional integration, and internal commitment on the relationship between pioneering and new product performance; the use of financial bootstrapping in small and medium-sized ventures
and its impact on venture growth; a model of knowledge acquisition through strategic networks for franchising companies; the roles of openness and innovativeness within science-based
entrepreneurial firms; the behavioral components of corporate entrepreneurship within a large company; and the current state of research in entrepreneurship as reflected in the past ten years
of the major academic journals. Co-published with ECSB. Annotation ©2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)