An Unending Landscape is a subtle, humorous, mind-bending novel about the origins and fates of three different manuscripts. The first is an autobiographical sketch concerning an
Estonian writer�� old schoolmate, now a government official, who is trying to recruit our narrator to spy on his fellow citizens. The second, composed by the hero of the first, is a
fictionalized (and far more exciting) version of these same experiences. Finally, the self-aggrandizing hero of this second story decides to write his own novel, which seems on one
hand to be a plagiarism of Chekhov�� ��ady With the Lapdog,��and on the other to be retelling the same story we've already heard twice over��ntil it�� no longer entirely clear whether these
stories relate to one another like Russian dolls, or are three parallel versions of the same events, each no less valid than the others.