The need for quality standards and rules of conduct concerning all aspects of the activities of psychology has long been acknowledged. In particular, over the last few years there has been a
growing awareness of the need for and the advantage of internationally recognized ethical standards, particularly concerning research and practice and the well-being of individuals and
societies. With this need in mind, this volume provides the most comprehensive assembly of facts and visions across the entire field of psychological ethics that one could imagine.
The Oxford Handbook of International Psychological Ethics is the state-of-the-art source for information on psychological ethics worldwide, and offers an inclusive international review
of contemporary and emerging ethical issues within the profession and science of psychology. There is no comparable book on the market, notwithstanding the importance and timeliness of the
topics to be covered. These include:
- a concise history of ethical standards of psychology
- cutting-edge developments and challenges in international psychological ethics, such as the search for universal ethical standards, ethical issues when working cross-nationally with
immigrants and refugees, and ethical responses to security risks
- ethical developments and issues within specific geographical regions
- research utilizing the new media
With its broad scope and perspective informed by a synthesis of international scholarship and practice, this handbook will inform readers from around the world of existing and emerging issues
and trends that confront psychological ethics.