Bruns and Thompson (educational psychology and special education and curriculum and instruction, Southern Illinois U., Carbondale) offer early childhood and special education educators and
students, and professionals in related disciplines, research-based ideas for resolving feeding issues in children from birth to age five. They examine feeding development milestones,
theoretical frameworks, models of feeding interactions, and cultural considerations; the feeding process, including teaming, screening and assessment, planning, and progress monitoring; general
strategies for individual and group settings, special groups, and interventions, including those for young children with anatomical anomalies, disabilities, and those needing tube feedings and
specialized techniques; and recommendations for development and implementation of strategies and specialized interventions. The CD-ROM contains tools and handouts, such as feeding logs,
record-keeping forms, quick-guides to milestones and red flags, and tip sheets on issues such as breastfeeding, positioning, and specialized equipment. Annotation 穢2012 Book News, Inc.,
Portland, OR (