For researchers, academics, industry associations, and policy makers, Nagayya, a consultant on small and medium enterprises, and Begum (Sri Padmavathi Women's Degree and Post-graduate College,
India) explore women's entrepreneurship in India and its role in empowering women in terms of employment and income generation. They discuss women's roles in Indian society, gender equality,
the effects of globalization, and gender budgeting; government policies promoting women's entrepreneurship, the role of women's associations, and aspects of their entrepreneurship, namely
socio-demographic attributes, factors influencing their motivation, and selection of enterprises in industry, service, and business; studies on their experiences in India and around the world;
social and economic empowerment and gender justice in the context of small and medium enterprise development; specific self-employment programs; the need and scope for inclusive growth and
financial inclusion and trends and strategies adopted by micro, small, and medium enterprises; and enterprises in various sectors. Distributed in the US by ISBS. Annotation 穢2012 Book News,
Inc., Portland, OR (