Nonlinear Psychoanalysis: Notes from Forty Years of Chaos and Complexity Theory
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Mental Health and Wellbeing Through Schools: The Way Forward
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Facts and Fictions in Mental Health
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Resiliency, Achievement, and Manhood: Promoting the Healthy Development of African American Men
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Fake It ’til You Make It
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All the Rage: A Quest
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Bed Time: Oedipal Power/Knowledge and the Regulation of Mother-son Intimacy in Freud’s Case of Little Hans
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With a Poet’s Eye: Poetry, Poetics and the Practice of Psychotherapy
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Thither and Back Again: The Selected Works of Sue Jennings
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Suicide Prevention
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Ordinarily Well: The Case for Antidepressants
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Coaching the Owner Managers and Directors of Small Businesses
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An Introduction to Third Wave Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies
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Andy Warhol Was a Hoarder: Inside the Minds of History’s Great Personalities
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Player Safety: The NFL, Head Injuries and Suicides
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Getting to the Heart of Hurt: Understanding Self-harm
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The Day the Horse Fell Down: Rethinking Freud’s Argument for the Oedipus Complex in the Case of Little Hans
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Introductory Psychotherapy: The Basics of Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
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Introductory Psychotherapy: The Basics of Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
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Jung at Eranos: The Complex Psychology Project