Thither and Back Again: The Selected Works of Sue Jennings
$7,200 -
Capture: Unraveling the Mystery of Mental Suffering
$980 -
The Rewired Brain: Free Yourself of Negative Behaviors and Release Your Best Self
$700 -
While the City Slept: A Love Lost to Violence and a Young Man’s Descent into Madness
$980 -
Here Be Lions
$808 -
Queer Youth, Suicide and Self-Harm: Troubled Subjects, Troubling Norms
$4,500 -
Multi-Family Therapy for Eating Disorders: My Family Is Back
$6,525 -
Therapy in the Digital Era: Psychology of the Web and Introduction to Telehealth
$1,978 -
Bed Time: Oedipal Power/Knowledge and the Regulation of Mother-son Intimacy in Freud’s Case of Little Hans
$4,275 -
The Handbook of Forensic Rorschach Assessment
$2,248 -
Introductory Psychotherapy: The Basics of Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
$4,275 -
From Borderline Adolescent to Functioning Adult: The Test of Time
$2,473 -
Introductory Psychotherapy: The Basics of Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy
$1,393 -
The Day the Horse Fell Down: Rethinking Freud’s Argument for the Oedipus Complex in the Case of Little Hans
$1,933 -
Prozak Diaries: Psychiatry and Generational Memory in Iran
$1,258 -
Player Safety: The NFL, Head Injuries and Suicides
$593 -
Nonlinear Psychoanalysis: Notes from Forty Years of Chaos and Complexity Theory
$8,550 -
Therapy in the Digital Era: Psychology of the Web and Introduction to Telehealth
$4,275 -
Getting to the Heart of Hurt: Understanding Self-harm
$898 -
Healing the Fractured Child: Diagnosis and Treatment of Youth With Dissociation