Introduction This book is an excellent gift to give to a neighbor, friend or a love one. It is always at hand for a Reference Guide with details and a direct phone number to call. No looking at
brochures, because most are listed in this book. No internet surfing for websites and reading different links, which takes time. All important information is right before your eyes. Carry this
book with you everywhere you go (keep it in your automobile).The first thought that comes to the mind for many Dallas visitors is the very thing Dallas has always wanted to forget: The
assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which occurred on Friday, November 22, 1963. Over time, buildings began to deteriorate, and some hoped a wrecking ball would demolish what seemed
only to be a sad reminder of that tragic Friday afternoon. Fortunately, Dallas' overwhelming heartache did not lead to the destruction of such historically significant sites as Downtown Dealey
Plaza and a seven-story building at the corner of Elm and Houston Streets (6th Floor Museum). Instead, these locations remain today as part of the City's and the Nation's heritage. Dallas has
become the number one destination in Texas for tourists.Dallas elected an African American Mayor, Ron Kirk who brought the City together and built American Airlines Arena. Mayor Kirk created a
friendly business climate which helped Dallas prosper. Sports has transformed Dallas into a Mecca for athletes to retire and live their lives out. Dallas has become one of the most diverse and
integrated City in the United States.Dallas is one of the most beautiful City in the entire World because we take pride in our City and keeps it clean from graffiti and trash on our major
arteries. Dallas is very business and consumer friendly, where all people can invest in their future, live together in harmony, peace and prosper from all walks of life. When it comes to dining
out, Dallas is tops. If you ate at a different eatery once a day it would take you 17+ years (last count) to come back around. Shopping for fashion in Dallas is awesome with it's top quality
stores such as Dillard, Kohl's, Lane Bryant, Niemen Marcus, Nordstrom, Penny's, Sears and many others; you can shop til you drop.I published this book: Welcome to Big D (Dallas Best Kept
Secrets) Visitors and New Residents Guide to inform all people (visitors and new residents); over the last forty+ years that I lived in this area, the places I visited and enjoyed. Dallas has
many secrets and I found most of them. So start your journey and see if you can find more.Therlee Gipson