What if you could earn a free flight anywhere in the world in 90 days or less using legal strategies proven and used by thousands of Americans?Whether your dream is to feel the snow underneath
you as you ski on the Austrian Alps, admire every stone as you walk along the Great Wall of China, or ride elephants in the mountains of Thailand, this book is the blueprint to get you
there.This book combines practical wisdom with real world action steps to help you avoid paying thousands for airfare and get you closer to traveling the world. If you want to know how
thousands of travelers earn free flights every year, this book is for you.IN THIS BOOK YOU WILL LEARN:• How you can earn your first free flight in 90 days or less (PAGE 1)• The strategy I used
to buy a round trip ticket to Hawaii for $10 (PAGE 8)• Why credit card companies offer huge rewards to allow you to fly for free (PAGE 11)• How to save on flights while increasing your credit
score (PAGE 21)• How to sift through credit card offerings to find the best deals (PAGE 31)• The best hacks for accumulating points on everyday spending (PAGE 34)• How to squeeze the most out
of your miles for around-the-world tours (PAGE 52)• How to determine which airlines will give you the best deals (PAGE 52)Decide for yourself if the strategies in this book will be the ones you
use to travel the world.