I was eight years old when my father was killed. The guy that killed my father didn't just kill my father in a normal way. He killed my father with his worst nightmare. My father wasn't killed
by a gang shooting or an accident. He wasn't shot or strangled. He wasn't even stabbed to death. My father was killed the most painful way this person knew how to kill my father. He unleashed
the animal on my father and me. I am not talking about an animal like a dog, wolf, bear or a bob cat. I am talking about the elemental animal, the one known as fire. Fire is a living breathing
thing that destroys and hates. My father wasn't an attorney, doctor construction worker or any of that sort. By day and trade he was a mechanic, but by blood he was a firefighter. He may not
have been the president or anything special to anyone else in the world, but he was my hero though. I was proud to say my hero wore bunker pants. I always wanted to catch the guy that killed my
father and bring justice to what he did. I guess now it is my duty to do so.* This book contains adult language NOT adult content.