Writer, M.D.: The Best Contemporary Fiction and Nonfiction by Doctors

Writer, M.D.: The Best Contemporary Fiction and Nonfiction by Doctors
NT $ 525


From Chekhov to Maugham to William Carlos Williams, doctors have long given voice to their unique perspectives through literature. Writer, M.D. celebrates this rich tradition with a collection of fiction and nonfiction by today's most beloved physician-writers, including,

��Abraham Verghese, on the lost art of the physical exam

��Pauline Chen, on the bond between a med student and her first cadaver

��Atul Gawande, on the ethical dilemmas of a young surgical intern

��Danielle Ofri, on the devastation of losing a patient

��Ethan Canin, on love, poetry, and growing old

These essays and stories illuminate the inner lives of men and women who deal with trauma, illness, mortality, and grief on a daily basis. Read together, they provide a candid, moving, one-of-a-kind glimpse behind the doctor's mask.

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