A Sexuality & Gender Diversity Training Program: Increasing the Competency of Mental Health Professionals

A Sexuality & Gender Diversity Training Program: Increasing the Competency of Mental Health Professionals
NT $ 1,123


This title goes a long way in heightening the awareness and understanding of mental health professionals concerning the many diverse sexual orientations of their clients. In the manual, the authors first discuss the difficulty involved in defining sexuality and gender diversity (SGD) and the necessity of training mental health professionals to recognize these sometimes subtle differences; they then provide a list of terms for describing SGD individuals. Next they present an historical background in SGD socially and politically. The last chapter introduces the 10-session training program contained on the CD-ROM.The likelihood of any mental health professional being called upon to treat an SGD individual has increased exponentially over the last few decades and will only grow more common in the coming years. Providing competent services demands an understanding of general human diversity and the issues and difficulties specific to SGD individuals. This program provides an excellent beginning.
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