In the year 2035, a mysterious disease ravages the minds of innocents around the globe. It is called Empty Mind Syndrome, and those afflicted with it cannot retain memories for longer than a
day. Those with the most severe cases cannot retain memories for even a few hours. Unable to understand the disease, the world shuns its sufferers, who have come to be called Amnesiacs, and the
Amnesiacs are forced to live in a world that does not know how to cope with their strange affliction.Darya is a fifteen year old orphan surviving on the streets of London. She is also one of
the "dreaded" Amnesiacs. Her life consists of writing everything she does and thinks every day in a journal, so that she may later read it and remember, even though she never fully remembers.
Her life is hardly remarkable, but one day she meets another Amnesiac. The two become fast friends, and when her friend is volunteered to join a clinical trial that is testing medication for
Empty Mind sufferers, Darya goes with him.At the study, they meet other Amnesiacs. It is soon obvious, however, that the program is not simply a medical study to cure Empty Mind. It becomes
clear from all the tests and talk of "enhanced perceptions" that Amnesiacs are not simply unable to retain memories-and that there is more to the program than meets the eye. When tragedy
strikes the group, the Amnesiac patients suddenly fear for their lives, and they are unable to trust anyone but themselves. They must escape... but will there be a price for their freedom?