The Christian Bible is filled with intersecting dynamics of gender, human sexuality, and violence, says Kirk Duggan (Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California). She presents 12 papers
examining these conflicts from the perspectives of power and relational conflict; legal and regulatory matters; and types, stereotypes, and archetypes. Specific topics include a comparison of
King David and Shakespeare's Othello and their relationships to family and power; the mystification and demonization of women's bodies through (mis)readings of biblical and extrabiblical texts,
and the use of the terms "virgin" and "daughter" as a female metaphor used to personify the prophetic Jerusalem. The Society of Biblical Literature publishes the book and distributes the
paperbound edition (ISBN 1-58983-074-1); Brill distributes the clothbound edition. Annotation 穢2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (