If you can change the way you think, you can change the world. That’s the theme of Now You’re Thinking! as it tells the story of how a 2-year old Iraqi girl’s life was saved through
determination, courage, and critical thinking. The book begins with the heroic story of how a Marine battalion beat the odds to save this little girl, and ends with a model of critical
thinking that will help you STOP and THINK to recognize your emotions, evaluate arguments, and draw conclusions to make better life decisions. This book also provides the opportunity
for you to take the My Thinking Styles assessment for free to learn your natural thinking preferences, strengths, and biases. This short read will give you a real-life example of great
thinking plus tons of resources to guide your further interest in effective thinking.
To celebrate the launch of Now You’re Thinking, Pearson people, business partners, and friends have a tremendous opportunity to make a remarkable difference in the lives of the
families of those serving the U.S. military. From September 12 through September 30, each time you read a free online children’s book at We Give Books (wegivebooks.org/nyt), your
efforts will help give a free hardcover or paperback book to great non-profits that support U.S. military families year round. Think. Read. Give.