Asparagus and Coconut Soup with Steamed Coriander Meringue, Chunky Tomato Soup with Baked Polenta Dumplings, Mexican Cream of Avocado100 out-of-the-ordinary recipes for every
A shot of flavor, a nourishing meal in one dish, a delicate entreesoup epitomizes versatility, ease, and resourcefulness. It is the ultimate comfort food and thrifty cooking at its best.
Here, the soups are classified by occasions rather than just ingredients. This cookbook can be used to create a whole dinner party around one soup (Vietnamese Hot Pot), cook a healthy lunch
that will make colleagues jealous (Roasted Carrots with Sprouted Seed Pesto), be creative for very little money (Minty & Spicy Broad Bean Soup), play chef for the night (Moorish
Pumpkin Soup with Pumpkin Seeds and Saffron Brioche Croutons), get dinner on the table in 10 minutes (Egg and Tomato Soup), or plan a summer picnic (Vodka Gazpacho). With stylish
photography and appetizing recipes drawn from around the world, this unusual collection will inspire readers and above all make cooking easy.