This book was written to commend the children who live with a cleft lip and/or palate. The courage they possess is incredible, and what they are able to overcome is amazing. This is the story
of three children from different parts of the world that converge at a hospital where medical professionals and volunteers help them. These children must overcome many obstacles in their
activities of daily living that many of us take for granted. Often ridiculed at school and/or shunned in their communities, these children have a level of bravery that is admirable. When we
wrote this book, we had these special kids with their special smiles in mind. The journey they experience to change their appearance due to functional problems can be perilous for them and
their families. We also praise the unending love that parents have for their child, which leads them to sacrifice weeks of wages, to suffer separation from their other children, and to make
grueling voyages in order to help the child. We hope this book will make any child's understanding of having a cleft or knowing someone who does a more positive one.