In this intriguing blend of the commonplace and the ancient, Jean Bott矇ro presents the first extensive look at the delectable secrets of Mesopotamia. Bott矇ro's broad perspective takes us
inside the religious rites, everyday rituals, attitudes and taboos, and even the detailed preparation techniques involving food and drink in Mesopotamian high culture during the second and
third millenniums BCE, as the Mesopotamians recorded them.
Offering everything from translated recipes for pigeon and gazelle stews, the contents of medicinal teas and broths, and the origins of ingredients native to the region, this book reveals the
cuisine of one of history's most fascinating societies. As Bott矇ro concludes, although the ingredients may have differed, food was prepared in a manner astoundingly similar to how we do it
today. Such links to the modern world, along with incredible recreations of a rich, ancient culture through its cuisine, make Bott矇ro's guide an entertaining and mesmerizing read.