The second edition of Building the Successful Theater Company takes readers even deeper into the world of theatrical production, examining in great depth the financial realities of
establishing--and maintaining--a successful organization. This indispensable reference is updated to include more theater company profiles with expert advice to better reveal the pitfalls,
passions, and practicalities of the theater industry. The author's been-there-done-that personal experiences along with the wisdom of esteemed theater company heads will encourage readers to
aim high and overcome challenges to accomplish all of their creative and financial objectives. Everything from finding a performance space, to creating a first season, to promoting a company
and production, to designing a long-term plan is discussed in detail in this engaging guide--a sometimes irreverent, always relevant look behind
the curtain of the modern stage troupe. Chapters include developing business and budget plans, rehearsing, attracting attention with publicity and word-of-mouth, adapting to growth, and more.
No other book contains the unique insights and sound advice found in this indispensable reference.