Elizabeth Bishop’s prose is not nearly as well known as her poetry, but she was a dazzling and compelling prose writer too, as the publication of her letters has shown. Her stories are
often on the borderline of memoir, and vice versa. From her college days, she could find the most astonishing yet thoroughly apt metaphors to illuminate her ideas. This volumeedited by the
poet, Pulitzer Prizewinning critic, and Bishop scholar Lloyd Schwartzincludes virtually all her published shorter prose pieces and a number of prose works not published until after her
death. Here are her famous as well as her lesser-known stories, crucial memoirs, literary and travel essays, book reviews, andfor the first timeher original draft of Brazil, the
Time/Life volume she repudiated in its published version, and the complete extant correspondence between Bishop and the poet Anne Stevenson, the author of the first book-length volume
devoted to Bishop.