The LSAT is an exam which is full of patterns. Because of this, using previously-administered LSATs is indisputably the most effective way to prepare for the test. Logic Games in particular
highlight the formulaic nature of the Law School Admission Test. In order to maximize your potential on this section, it is important that you learn to recognize these patterns and exploit them
to the fullest extent. In this volume, Cambridge LSAT groups the eighty Logic Games from PrepTests 1-20 by type, and presents each particular grouping in order of increasing difficulty. Thus,
as your technique improves in any one category, you will face more challenging games. Our groupings were designed with simplicity in mind, so that you can focus on mastering the various game
types without worrying about complex taxonomy.Chapterso Introductiono Relative Orderingo Simple Orderingo Complex Orderingo In/Out Groupingo Grouping (Distribution)o Determined Assignmento
Undetermined Assignmento Miscellaneouso Index