The #1 comprehensive LSAT prep book on the market just got better.
Kaplan’s LSAT Premier 2015 with 6 Real Practice Tests is an updated version of the best-selling comprehensive LSAT prep book on the market. Written by Kaplan’s expert LSAT faculty who
teach the world’s most popular LSAT course, this book contains in-depth strategies, test information, and more than 1,100 real and recent LSAT questions for the best in realistic practice with
detailed explanations for each. And LSAT preppers love recent full-length tests. We’ve updated those for the 2015 edition.
SIX RECENT FULL-LENGTH EXAMS: Six of the most recent full-length exams allow for realistic practice. Use in conjunction with Kaplan’s free “LSAT Proctor Anywhere” app, available for iOS
INTERACTIVE ONLINE COMPANION: Assets including additional online instructor-led workshops and test analytics, drilling deep into your performance by section and question type as you
PRODUCED BY KAPLAN’S AWARD-WINNING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT TEAM: The team behind Kaplan’s world-leading LSAT prep courses has designed, developed and authoredLSAT Premier 2015.
MOBILE PREP: Take your prep with you with convenient mobile resources for your tablet or phone.
DVD: The LSAT Premier DVD contains an episode of Kaplan’s pre-law talk show “The 180 – Live”, featuring law school admissions advice from admissions officers from top law schools
– including Harvard University, New York University, University of Virginia & University of Pennsylvania. In addition, the DVD contains video lessons taught by Kaplan’s highest rated LSAT
KAPLAN IS THE PROVEN LEADER: More people get into law school with a Kaplan LSAT course than all other major test prep companies combined.*
HIGHER-SCORE GUARANTEED: Kaplan ensures student success with this LSAT prep course—or your money back.
Also Available: Our brand new LSAT Workbook 2015 with 1000+ Real LSAT Questions is the perfect companion piece to LSAT Premier 2015. Kaplan’sLSAT Workbook 2015 is
identically structured to LSAT Premier 2015, but contains brand new practice questions.