The accompanying DVD contains two films considered significant in constructing the relatinonship between the cinema and the Risorgimento. "La presa di Roma" (ca. 5 min.), directed by Filoteo
Alberini and released in 1905 is considered the first Italian film shown in Italy. In black and white this silent film tells the story of the breach of the Porta Pia by Bersaglieri soldiers on
Sept. 20, 1870 to complete the unification of Italy. "Il piccolo garibaldino" (ca. 12 min.) produced by Filoteo Alberini and released in 1909 is a short drama about a young boy who is killed
during the Spedizione dei Mille, a military campaign led by revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi in 1860 to defeat the Kingdom of theTwo Sicilies and unify Italy. Both films were restored by the
Centro Sperimentale di Cinematograf璽ia--Cineteca nazionale as part of a joint project between them and the Grand Orient of Italy to mark the bicentennial celebrations of the birth of Guiseppe