Advances in Building Energy Research

Advances in Building Energy Research
NT $ 13,500
  • 作者:Mat (EDT)Santamouris
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2010-07-31
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1849711879
  • ISBN13:9781849711876
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 309頁 / 15.9 x 24.1 x 1.9 cm / 普通級


'Several high quality scientific journals are published in the area of building energy and indoor/outdoor environment; however, one has been missing. Advances in Building Energy Research fills the gap. I recommend ABER to all technical libraries, research institutes and universities. It should also be used by construction companies and those manufacturing building materials and building products.'-Professor Olli SeppSnen, President of REHVA (Federation of Heating and Air-conditioning Associations)

'Advances in Building Energy Research is a unique index. It will be an inexhaustible resource for energy related sciences and a continuous inspiration for architects around the world.'-N. Fintikakis, Architect and Director of UIA-ARES WP (Architecture and Renewable Energy Sources)

Advances in Building Energy Research (ABER) offers state-of-the-art information on the environmental science and performance of buildings, linking new technologies and methodologies with the latest research on systems, simulations and standards. As stringently reviewed as a journal but with the breadth of a book, this annual volume brings together invited contributions from the foremost international experts on energy efficiency and environmental quality of buildings. Spanning a broad range of technical subjects, this is a 'must have' reference on global developments in the field, suitable for architects and building engineers, environmental engineers, industry professionals, students, teachers and researchers in building science, technical libraries and laboratories.

Volume 4 covers:

-Heating and cooling requirements of buildings with solar louvre devices

-The evaluation of HVAC systems

-Climatic change and the built environment

-Chromogenic technologies

-Natural cross-ventilation studies and the latest simulation design tools used in building ventilation-related research

-Comfort models and cooling of buildings in the Mediterranean zone

-Cool materials and cool roofs in Mediterranean buildings

-Artificial intelligence for energy conservation in buildings
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